Monday 22 April 2013


So, it begins.  If you’ve stumbled across this blog maybe you’re looking for support, maybe you’re looking for options, or maybe you’re just looking.  Whatever the reason, here you will find the chronology of my journey to lose all this extra baggage I’ve been carrying around (emotionally and physically) and finally become that fit healthy person I never thought I could be.

I have spent my life trying to overcome chub rub, thunder thighs, muffin tops, Oprah arms, stomach pooch, bubble butt, cottage cheese ass and legs, chubby cheeks, and double chin.  As a child I was scrawny until I hit 10, and ever since then I have always been at least a little bit overweight.  After nearly 2 decades of not feeling comfortable in my own skin, I’m so over it.  First I got fat, and then I got angry.

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